Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO) Insurance Professional Committee held a meeting with the heads of insurance departments and scholars on 14 June 2022. ITO Assembly and Committee Members, TOBB Insurance Agencies Executive Committee Chairperson Levent Korkut and Non-Auto Adjusters Association President Engin Özaydın were only some the esteemed participants of the meeting. The meeting moderated by Chairperson of the ITO Professional Committee Hüseyin Duru was attended by Istanbul Kültür University Vocational School Head of Program of Banking and Insurance Assist. Prof. Dr. Yeliz Sevimli Saitoğlu and Lecturer Sebnem Davrak. In the meeting, topics such as internship and post-graduation recruitment processes, strengthening the communication channels between universities and the sector, and aligning the curricula according to the field were discussed. To determine a common strategy in digitalization and to establish a centralized pool system for internships were, too, proposed in the meeting.

Last Update Date: Tue, 07/05/2022 - 14:51