Graphic Design Program

‘’What kind of thing is that?"
"Like a statistics chart?"
 ‘’Looks like interior architecture too, I guess?’’

Bilgisayar Laboratuvarında işlenen grafik tasarım dersiHello designer of the future. If you are ready for the above questions, we are waiting for you here...

Of course these are left behind. Now everyone knows what a graphic designer can do. In addition to being as popular as in the past, graphic design is also known for its operational equivalents. Do not be intimidated by the wide range of applications and technical aspects. The aims are the same, the types and means are different. Illustration, animation, broadcast graphics, web design, photography ... You'd better take a look at our lesson plan, which is not limited to these. If you want to make a difference with your creativity and enter the art and design community with a strong step, student entry is on this side...

What are we doing? We create in many areas from corporate identity to packaging design, from typographic designs to conceptual art works, simultaneously using up-to-date tools, and offer quality applications that emphasize the functional aspects of design. We do visual readings on the works that have been created and discuss about contemporary art activities and topics. Without forgetting the real; we also write texts suitable for the concept. For the enthusiast, let's write down our keywords here:

IKU, Graphics, Design, Profession, Culture, Art, Creativity, High School, Concept, Success, Intellectual, "Job Belongs to the Knower of It"

İstanbul Kültür University Graphic Design Program;

The understanding of high school, which is the first representation of the Bauhaus school in our country; Under the roof of İstanbul Kültür University Vocational School Continuing with the Graphic Design Program...

Social responsibility awareness of design and conceptual approach; While maintaining its priority in our lesson plan, functionality and aesthetic concerns; There are only a few factors that determine the quality of the projects created under strong academic staff consultancy.

We have a lot more to tell and to discuss. Portfolios to be prepared, artistic approaches advocated carrying the culture forward. Dots that will merge and turn into lines, inks that will end, paints to be kept carefully so that they do not dry, exhibitions to be prepared ...

As a Graphic Design Program; with the view that education and art are for society, we continue to create and we look forward to your enthusiasm to join us.

Graphic design; it is a versatile field. Applications that emerge as a result of blending commercial boundaries and artistic freedom to the right extent; It gives successful results both in terms of quality and functionality. Considering these features of the area; conveying the field expectations to our students along with the academic and artistic vision; It is among the most basic duties that fall on our part as art academics. As the Graphic Design Program, we lay the foundations of designs that will always contribute to society with our lesson plan prepared with this sense of duty, our student-oriented approach and qualified communication processes. In the ideal of a society whose development is sustainable and does not slow down; The importance of art and education is undeniable. Our program, which is a member of the cultural family; with this awareness; It offers all candidates who want to continue their career in the field of graphic design, all the necessary opportunities to contribute academically with the social responsibility awareness of education and art.

Head of the Program
Assist. Prof.  Emin SANSARCI

İstanbul Kültür University’s Graphic Design Program Graduates can work in advertising and communication agencies, in advertising and promotion units of private and public institutions, as art consultants or as graphic designers in media organizations. They can also pursue careers in illustration, animation, advertising photography, web design, video-film, and publishing fields.
Head of Program and Education Advisor for Second Grades Assist. Prof.  Emin Sansarcı
Tel (0212) 498 49 38
Fax (0212) 543 69 70
Education Advisor for First Grades Instructor Dr. Ömür Kınay Alkan
Tel (0212) 498 41 58
Faks  0(212) 543 69 70
İstanbul Kültür University, Vocational School, Bakırköy Campus İncirli Building, Yolbaşı S., 34147 Bakırköy/İstanbul.

Last Update Date: Fri, 08/02/2024 - 16:28