"You Imagine, We Realize" Social Innovation Idea Competition

Kredi Kayıt Bürosu started an idea competition titled “You Imagine, We Realize” as of January 2014, in order to raise awareness of young people about social responsibility, to make them realize social needs and to make them take action in these areas. This social responsibility project idea competition is open to the participation of both the students of undergraduate, graduate, master’s degree and PhD in universities across Turkey, and Turkish students who receive university education abroad. The contest moved to a brand new line in 2019 with the concept of "Social Innovation Idea Competition" by focusing on innovative ideas in the fields of Environment, Education, Financial Literacy, Culture, Art, Health, Sports, Technology and Social. University students who develop project ideas in the fields of financial technology, health and agriculture will be able to participate with their innovative ideas in the competition, which focuses on social innovation in 2020.

About the Competition

With “You Imagine, Realize Social Innovation Idea Competition”, university students' project ideas in the fields of Financial Technology, Health and Agriculture are competing.

Final Application Deadline: January 25, 2021


At the end of the evaluations, the students who rank in the top 10 will be entitled to receive the first, second and third prizes according to the jury score rankings. One of the projects that is not included in the top 3 will be entitled to receive Findeks Special Award. The remaining projects in the top 10 will be presented with the Jury Special Award.

Student First Prize: 30 thousand TL
Student Second Prize: 20 thousand TL
Student Third Prize: 15 thousand TL

You Imagine, We Realize Idea Pool - Application Areas

You can apply to the competition with your idea of social innovation in the fields of financial technology, health and agriculture.

About KKB 

Kredi Kayıt Bürosu (KKB) was founded by nine leading banks in Turkey on April 11, 1995. KKB has over 200 members including banks, consumer finance companies, leasing, and insurance companies, including both the Risk Center and its own members. The main function of KKB is to combine the customer information collected from its members and to share it with its members for use in credit risk management processes. 

"You Imagine, We Realize Social Innovation Idea Competition" Information Meeting

A meeting will be held in cooperation with the Banking and Insurance Program and Kredi Kayıt Bürosu on the Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Application on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 19.00, in order to inform Istanbul Kültür University students about the "You Imagine, We Realize" Social Innovation Idea Competition. We are waiting for all our students to the online information meeting in which Head of Banking and Insurance Evening Education Program Lecturer A. Berrak Köten is the moderator, and Aslıhan Öncel and Merve Çavdar from Kredi Kayıt Bürosu Corporate Communication Unit are the guests.

Please click to join the meeting…

Last Update Date: Mon, 01/25/2021 - 16:51