The purpose of establishing the Istanbul Kültür University Vocational School Program of Court Office Services is to train the qualified intermediate manpower needed in various units of the Ministry of Justice and to provide in-service training to the personnel working in the Ministry Organization. In our country, things will proceed faster and more smoothly with vocational school graduates who work in the courthouse organization, in the units called "pen" in the judgeship and prosecutor's office, who have received law education, are familiar with judicial events, and are good keyboard users. Apart from the Ministry of Justice, there are employment opportunities in many places such as Notary Services, Law Offices, Law Firms, Law Offices of Ministries and departments of legal affairs of the private sector. In the light of contemporary and universal values, the Court Office Services Program is designed to support all sectors, especially the judicial organization, with basic legal knowledge, theoretical background, knowledge of application, following technology, respecting human rights, which is a requirement of a democratic and social state of law, and observing the fundamental values of our state. It aims to contribute to the realization of justice in our country by training qualified individuals who act well.

The majority of our graduates, after receiving their associate degree and taking the Public Personnel Exam for associate degree graduates, will work in different units of the Ministry of Justice, notaries, law offices, and law offices of public and private institutions. Some graduates will also be successful in continuing their undergraduate education in higher education programs through the Vertical Transfer Exam. In parallel with the development of artificial intelligence, the training of intermediate staff to be trained in our judicial system, who know the legal problems in the world and in our country and contribute to the distribution of justice by producing solutions is of great importance. In parallel with the economic developments in our country, significant changes have occurred in management science and practice, and the duties and powers of managers in the business have increased accordingly. The main aim of our program is to train managers at an intermediate level. Trainings will be held on the Bahçelievler Campus of our university, on the 3rd floor of the building where the Faculty of Law is located, with 3 classrooms on the 3rd floor, 1 basement lecture hall, a keyboard classroom with 45 computers in Block C, and also by utilising the lecture halls of the Faculty of Law when needed.

Program of Court Office Services students are provided with internship opportunities in Courthouses, Notaries and Law Offices in Istanbul. By providing the participation of students in seminars and conferences organised at the Faculty of Law, both national and international developments in law and other topics are evaluated together. This makes a great contribution to the development of training.


Within the scope of the program, following the theoretical education given in the first semester, it is supported by practical courses, and accordingly, Court Office Services is fully supported by practical courses and additional trainings, as can be seen in the academic package. In the meantime, courses on human relations, core values, and ethical rules in the judicial system are also included in the program and are planned to be taught by expert educators. The students of the program, which is taught by expert teaching staff, have the opportunity to see and experience all the processes closely with technical visits to areas such as Courthouses, Notary Chamber, Istanbul Bar Association, Istanbul Provincial Police Directorate, and they are provided with the opportunity to prepare for working life during the 40 working days.

Nevertheless, Program of Court Office Services students have the opportunity to continue their higher education at the undergraduate level by taking the Vertical Transfer Examination after completing their associate degree education. Our graduates who want to pursue their education abroad can participate in undergraduate completion programs by studying their 3rd and 4th year courses abroad in accordance with the protocols made by Istanbul Kültür University with universities abroad.

Program of Court Office Services graduates will be able to pass the Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) for the programs determined by YÖK every year. 

We are launching the Program of Court Office Services in the 2024-2025 academic year with a dedicated faculty staff, a comprehensive academic package, and in a competitive area. Following the decision by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education to close the Vocational School of Justice and establish the Program of Court Office Services, we have restructured ourselves accordingly. Collaborating with our team members within the program, we intensified our efforts through brainstorming sessions to deliver the best. Ultimately, we have developed a highly ambitious program. 

We are located within the campus of the Faculty of Law. Our classrooms and conference halls are located on the third floor of the building of the Faculty of Law. The environment where our students can discuss legal issues is fully prepared. They will have the opportunity to work alongside the expert staff of the Faculty of Law in virtual courtrooms, ensuring that they graduate without any gaps or inaccuracies in their knowledge. 

Our expert instructor provides 150 hours of F-keyboard proficiency lessons to our students. As a result, each student achieves above-standard typing speed by graduation, enabling them to directly enter judicial units directly without the need for additional documentation in interviews.

This year, we have allocated a substantial budget for professional technical trips, conferences and other activities within our Program of Court Office Services. We ensure there will be no disruptions in our activities. Our educational success can be measured by the careers our students will pursue after graduation. 

As our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk stated:
“Raise the youth. Give them positive ideas of science and wisdom. You will reach the light of the future with them.” These words will always be our guide. 

Head of the Program
Assist. Prof. İdris Güzel 

All judiciary organizations, law firms, legal offices of public and private institutions, notaries.
Head of the Program Assist. Prof. İdris Güzel
Phone (0212) 498 40 91
Secretary of the Program Fatma Aslım Haşlamacıoğlu
Phone (0212) 498 45 15

Istanbul Kültür University, Vocational School, Bahçelievler Campus, E5 Highway, No: 22 Bahçelievler 34191


Last Update Date: Sat, 07/27/2024 - 00:03