Air Logistics Program

Our Air Logistics program, which was established in 2011 within the İstanbul Kültür University Vocational School of Business Administration, is a new program focused on strategic management and control of the flow of goods, information and human resources in the logistics sector.

Gülümseyerek poz veren öğrencilerİKÜ Air Logistics Program aims to teach the requirements of business and management skills and qualifications to solve the complex issues of the aviation industry. With competitive curriculum content, experts are being trained. The program also aims to raise up individuals who are equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to become experts in the field and who are focused on learning the necessities of the present and future needs in the aviation sector.

In today's global world, the development level of countries is measured by their knowledge and educated human resources. One of the most significant problems in Turkey is unemployment. On the other hand, the fact that companies need qualified staff is also a very important issue. It is our job as educators to raise up our young population, one of the greatest assets that our country has, as educated and qualified individuals who can meet this need. İKÜ Air Logistics is a program that supports applied training with theoretical knowledge and guarantees this education with compulsory internship opportunities provided by leading firms.
Our students that graduate from the İKÜ Air Logistics program, in which the medium of instruction is Turkish, are able to make a vertical transition to related undergraduate programs in order to improve their vocational education.

The biggest difference of the İstanbul Kültür University Air Logistics program from other universities is its constant efforts for renewal. Qualified personnel required in the business administration field in public and private institutions in the aviation industry are trained in accordance with international requirements. The program trains individuals who can analyze the structure of the aviation system and its relationships with other sectors, who have advanced skills in leadership, creativity, communication, group work, and problem solving, who have the ability to stay in close contact with the business world by constantly interacting with relevant industry organizations, who can use information technologies very well, who are open to lifelong learning and are constantly renewing themselves.

After completing their associate degree education, our students have the opportunity to enter the Vertical Transfer Exam and continue their education at the undergraduate and graduate level 

  • Aviation Management    
  • Logistics    
  • Logistics Management    
  • Transportation Logistics     
  • Transportation and Logistics Management    
  • International Logistics
  • International Logistics and Transportation     
  • International Logistics Management     
  • International Logistics, International Trade and Business Administration    
  • International Trade and Logistics   
  • International Trade and Logistic Management

The aviation industry is a rapidly evolving field in Turkey in parallel with the world, and it has now become a profession due to its need for experts in the field.

While the air cargo industry has grown rapidly in Turkey in recent years, the country will have an important position in air cargo transportation as a hub airport between Asia and Europe with the completion of İstanbul's 3rd airport. Turkey has shown threefold performance compared to the world average, in terms of airline industry growth. While the global average growth of the sector in the last twelve years was around 5%, Turkey recorded 15% growth. With the completion of the first phase of the İstanbul New Airport construction, it will serve 90 million passengers per year and this number will reach 120 million when the third phase is completed. Therefore, İstanbul New Airport will be the airport with the highest passenger capacity in the world when the third phase is complete. More than 24 thousand people are currently employed in the project and this number is expected to reach 30 thousand in the coming months. The aviation sector will continue to grow rapidly and create new employment opportunities in Turkey with the opening of the İstanbul New Airport.

The main aim of the İstanbul Kültür University Air Logistics Program is to educate our students as qualified personnel equipped with theoretical and practical knowledge so that they can become experts in this field.

The most important issue that the İstanbul Kültür University Air Logistics Program wants to address is to try to expand air logistics, which is one of the most important elements of our lifetime, to a wider area and to make it better and more efficient by considering the ecological balances. The program carries out studies for the development and improvement of logistics - air logistics in particular – and for ensuring sustainability and mobility in our lives.

Head of Air Logistics Program 
Instructor Esra Çimen Atlı 

Our students who graduate from the İKÜ Air Logistics program will have the tools and equipping to take their place in the civil aviation sector. Our graduates who prefer to work outside of the aviation sector can work in their own jobs besides logistics and industrial areas.
Head of Program Instructor Esra Çimen Atlı
Tel (0212) 498 4926
Fax (0212) 543 69 70
İstanbul Kültür University, Vocational School, Bakırköy Campus İncirli Building, Yolbaşı S., 34147 Bakırköy/İstanbul.

Last Update Date: Fri, 08/02/2024 - 16:31