Istanbul Kültür University Financial Literacy Club organized an e-seminar titled “Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Fintech Future with Devrim Danyal” on Monday, January 25, 2021 via Adobe Connect Virtual Classroom Application. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Instructor Devrim Danyal was hosted by the event, which started with the opening and thank-you speeches of Can Ertuğral, a sophomore student of the Financial Literacy Club & Business Management Program, and Club Co-Chair Melih Ağacıklar. Moderated by Lecturer N. Gözde Bircan, Head of Business Management Program; Important information was given about the trust problem in financial transactions, the concept of value and consensus criteria, the history of money breakdowns in the world from an engineer point of view, 10 and 20 number systems related to financial transactions, memory measurement units of computers, the invention and history of cryptocurrency, blockchain, cryptocurrency, the mechanisms and functioning of the bitcoin system, the inverse number logic and difficulties in the bitcoin system and the blockchain money transfer transactions. At the end of the event, the participants were given the chance to experience a real bitcoin transfer transaction via a mobile application called "Wallet of Satoshi". The event ended with answering the participants' questions.

Last Update Date: Mon, 05/17/2021 - 00:26