The IKU Vocational School (MYO) Board held a remote access meeting at the 1A01 lecture hall, one of the hybrid classrooms of the İncirli campus, on Friday, April 30, 2021. In the committee, IKU MYO digital vocational education method curriculum studies and student expectations in digital vocational education were evaluated. The Vocational School Student Representative also attended the meeting, where full closure measures and how to use hybrid classrooms more effectively with distance digital education in epidemic processes were discussed. In this way, student demands were also taken into consideration.
Vocational School Director Assist. Prof. Sinan Kesici stated that the technology supported by the university infrastructure should be used more intensively in this process so that students at the graduation stage do not experience loss in applied courses, and student expectations should be taken into account. İKÜ Vocational School Student Representative Caner Gökay Guguk stated that they expect more support from academicians than ever before. On behalf of his friends, he thanked the İKÜ Vocational School academicians for their dedication in the distance digital education process during this challenging process.